Re: Outgoing fax on WorkCentre 6605 issue
Here is a link that might help if you are the one that is controlling the device.
View ArticleRe: Manual Address Entry defaults
Just another thought !!! You could enable the Send to Self option, This way they get the scan sent to themself, then from their own mail box they forward to whom they want.Since I work in a very secure...
View ArticleRe: Need to change the baud rate and ECM on a WorkCentre 5325
Hi....I remember running Ardurover on a vanilla raspbian jessie image some time ago. Ardurover does not need fast stabilization calculations, so it worked alright. I did this with a Navio+ and I do not...
View ArticleRe: Network TWAIN scan problem
I have the same issue on another MFP, the drivers do not detect the printer over the network on any machine. I have spoken to support several times and just just been informed it is a known problem and...
View ArticleRe: Network TWAIN scan problem
Is this working on a different version of OS ? Example Win 7 or Win 8.Been having little issues popping on now and then on the Win 10 here at work.
View ArticleSMB workflow scanning - 5875 & 7855
I have a DFS server with multiple network drives, I continue to get the following error."Job Deleted. No messages were sent. Login error."Share Name: \\dc.loc\global\Share Permissions: Everyone (Full)...
View ArticleRe: SMB workflow scanning - 5875 & 7855
I would have to assume you are using old firmware, which I would also guess to be specifically. Which is from 2015 If that is the case, simply update both to current and it will just...
View ArticleNetwork scanning - Connection to the server has failed
Dear, I use XW3345 in my home and official local xerox support team recommended to use Wifi instead of standard USB for print and scan services. But they were not able to setup. Although, I preffer to...
View ArticleRe: xerox 560 with integrated Fiery - scan to email problem
I know this is an old thread, but did you ever get this soved?!
View Articlehow to Install printer ??
i just bought a machine but i dont know how to install the printer software . i need help . plz send me any video link tu install the software .
View ArticleRe: how to Install printer ??
Zubair,If you don't have the manuals for this printer, I would try down loading from here.
View ArticleRe: Network scanning - Connection to the server has failed
Martin,Try removing the SPACE from the user name. From past experiences using spaces on the devices never worked for me. I would even try removing the space from the Shared drive location as well.
View ArticleRe: Network scanning - Connection to the server has failed
Server type: SMBHost Address: Number: 139 Change this to 445Login Name: Golden Generation Nope, see belowLogin Password: no pass This is not possible, you can't access the PC remotely...
View ArticleRe: xerox 560 with integrated Fiery - scan to email problem
If they did, it was using a completely different setup.The Fiery portion is useless, it allows the Fiery to send email and has no relevence to the scan to email option on the copier, so just skip all...
View ArticleRe: Network TWAIN scan problem
Hi I have found a solution that works for me, when the xerox driver install package ends, delete the printer that has been configured, then add a new printer in control panel, select your printer and...
View ArticleIssue setting up SMB2
Hello, I have updated the firmware to the lastest verison and i cant figure out how to set up the SMB2 protocol. I know that it is compatable from seeing the specs....
View ArticleRe: Issue setting up SMB2
It's no different than SMBv1,for instance, this is my windows 10 setup for scan.
View ArticleRe: Issue setting up SMB2
Thanks for your response. Does this process only work with an IP address and not a host name?
View ArticleRe: Issue setting up SMB2
Yes, You can use a Host name for your setup. I perfer using the IP Address just incase there is a DNS issue on a network, Which I have seen multiply times with faulty switches.
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