Here are my steps:
Currently on Windows 7 x64
1. Open Windows Fax and Scan
2. Click "Tools"
3. Click "Fax Accounts"
4. Click "Add"
5. Click "Connect to a fax server on my network"
There is a message box that pops up with "Type the fax server location...For example \\mycompanyfax"
I have tried:
nothing seems to work and I get the same error:
"The mentioned fax server is not available. Please correct the server name and try again."
I ran the configuration on the machine:
Machine Name: XRX_0000AAFA56CE
IP address:
FaxLine1: 11
System Software Version:
Machine URL:
I'm not sure if this a windows problem or a xerox problem. Or if the machine can't even be setup like this.