Same scan done again with the text searchable, still no black boxes, which got me thinking, because if there was handwriting on the pages, OCR/searchable will trip and fall all over the place and can cause massive weird issues. You never mentioned it, so maybe I am jumping at shadows there. (XTGocr.pdf)
-I could see this being an issue. They definitely handwrite all over this thing and it seems like the issue was on pages with a lot of handwriting on them. Possible to disable OCR on this puppy to see?
-Don't worry too much about the second document. First one that you were able to get seems to be where the bulk of the problem resides. I suspect if I get that one resolved the other will be resolved as well.
-I'll update the firmware first chance I get on a few of these machines and see what that will do.
-I know what you're saying about the DNS but our network engineer assures me it's correct. We've been using this scheme for years on all our stuff.