Hi I recently bought a Xerox 6515 and am struggling to get the WorkCentre to use the Scan To Email feature. I keep receiving a '(016-772): DNS server un-sets up in SMTP' error.
The unit is connected to the Network via WiFi only.
I have recently updated the Firmware although the feature hasnt worked before.
I've been reading the forums and google and have looked at google for their SMTP information and have the following setup:
Email Submission: Yes
Email Notification: No
SMTP Server: smtp.gmail.com
Outgoing SMTP port number: 587
Connection Security: STARTTLS
SMTP Authentication: myaddress@gmail.com
SMTP Auth username: myusername
SMTP Password: xxxxxxxxxxx
Validation Type: On device
Is there another setting or something I need to set in Connectivity > DNS? If so what is it? The unit is just setup for Home use behind a VirginMedia Network.