I have lot of clients that can be used as destination for scanning feature. I have only 1 client with windows 10. In this case, when I try to scan to shared folder, I got an error. I have never seen an error like this: "Job cancelled for lack of resources" (it is a translation from italian "Lavoro annullato per mancanza di risorse".
I really cannot understand the reason of this error.
- It is not a username/password related issue: the folder has the right permission for "scanner" user (it is a domain user). I tried to impersonate scanner user loggin in into another pc and I can surf in \\client\scan folder, adding files.
- It is not a firewall related issue: I disabled windows firewall and antivirus on client, the result is the same
- it is not a port related issue: I tried 139 and 445 ports.
Does anyone has an idea how to solve my problem? My firmware version is