I have spent 3 hours trying to scan a passport on our office Xerox WorkCentre 5335. I am giving up in frustration and going to a print shop to do it, but I would like to learn how for next time.
At first I didn't know about various settings and so I didn't like the scanned file, but it was emailing the multi-page scan to me, so it did work -- I just don't know how. (My email address is in the Directory, so that's not an issue. My network is working fine.)
Now, I have adjusted the settings to what I want (force Color on, force manual size to 8.5 x 11 vertical, set sideways image), and I figured out how to get multiple pages (touch Next Original within 2 seconds to get multipage scan, keep touching Start to scan additional pages, touch Last Original when done). But after scanning 28 pages each time it then says "Ready to send" -- but it doesn't email it!!! **bleep**.
Is there a "Send" or "Go" button I am not seeing? How do I send it?
When I do single-page scan, Last Original, it does email me the single page. So the email works, the network works.
Fwiw, I have a PhD from CalTech, and have worked in IT for 32 years. I did rtfm. This is the least-intuitive user-interface I have ever encountered.
Thanks for any tips or answers -- much appreciated!
Update: I finally saw the message above. I believe it was a Gmail problem. I did Save to USB instead and it worked fine. Still, very odd that some times I was able to send multi-page scan by email, and always I could email single-page scans.]