dear all,
we are using the "one-touch" scan operations to scan to a network folder.
For example customer A has a button on the screen
customer B has another button on the homescreen, and so for each customer.
If you choose customer A, scan's go to networkfolder A (another scan profile specific for this customer)
If you choose customer B, scan's go to network folder B (another scan profile specific for this customer)
and so one for all customers...
we have once in a week that some people scan to for a customer and that the files are in the folder from another customer. All other times, every scan goes well, only some times in a week. We have +/-75scan's a day on this machine.
We already double checked all setings in the one-touch actions and the scan profiles.
If the problem should be a setting, it should be always wrong... but it isn't so we think about a bug or another problem?
Xerox 7830 machine is on version:
Please let us know if this is a well know bug/problem ?