I've got the same problem with my 6505. The printer works for printing via network. Trying to scan to a folder on my PC gives me the dreaded 031-522 error message.
The stupid part is I once got it to work and it worked for years. Now I've recently reinstalled my Windows PC (Windows 10 Pro) and I cannot get this to work anymore. It's driving me crazy.
My computers name is ROADRUNNER
I've created a folder on my E: drive, calles Scans (E:\Scans)
I've shared this folder to Everybody, and also (as per your manual on the first page of this tread) added the user "Bart", giving Bart full access to everything as well.
I can see the shared folder my network in Windows Explorer. (ROADRUNNER\Scans)
In CentreWare Internet Services, I added the "Scans" directory to the "Network Scan" section of the Address Book.
Basically now it says:
No : 1
Name : Scans
Server Type : Computer (SMB)
Host Address : (<= this is the IP address of my Windows PC)
Port number : 445
Login Name : ROADRUNNER\Bart
Login Password : <my password which I'm sure is correct> (but it only shows 4 characters?)
RE-Enter Password : <my password which I'm sure is correct> (but it only shows 4 characters?)
Name of Shared Directory : Scans
Subdirectory Path : <left blank because I don't use any subdirectories in E:\Scans>
Via the shell command "netstat -an", I can see port 445 is "LISTENING"
The PC uses Bitdefender as anti-Virus, but the the standerd Windows Firewall as a Firewall.
What am I doing wrong ?
Thank you!