New 8035 installed at our district office. Incoming faxes are received and printed. However, when sending a fax, the display show processing, then dialing. Shortly after, the job is then paused. I'm trying to send to another 8035 at a school connected to a standard POTS line. The district office copier is connected to an ATA.
If I try to send a fax to my cell phone, I get to fax tones. I've logged into the device as admin to try to adjust the dialing volume as per Joe053204-xrx:
* First test for faxes is to listen to them, so go to the device, log in as admin and go to:
Device > Tools > App Settings > Fax App > Fax Volume
* Turn up the volume for outgoing and send the fax, come back with the results of what you hear on a one page fax verses the 32 pager.
However, the Fax App is not listed under App Settings. Where can I enabled this feature?
Also, are there any settings for the fax confirmation page - enable/disable, etc.? I only see send/receive, forwarding, address book in the web interface.
Thanks in advance.