When trying to fax to our network server or scan to a network directory we get ther error message:
Your job cannot be accepted now. Please try again later
After a few seconds the ADF kicks in and takes your document and either scans it to the directory or faxes it (confirmation ok). The error message comes with a close button. If you hit it, you see the fax number isn't cleared even though the fax was accepted. I am at the current software version I have been experiencing this with the past few software updates. I cannot say that one of the updates caused it.
We have tested the internal hard drive and it tested good. When you run a copy, there is no issue. We have changed our network entries for the scanning and fax to IPs. We still get the same results. We have also swapped the ADF with one from a known working unit. problem still persists.
I have searched the knowledgebase and the forums and cannot find anything.Has anyone else experienced this?