It's a different layout. In Repositories you can do 5 locations.
In templates, when using "Select from a predefined list" you can choose those 5 repositories.
But you can add document paths.
So take it this way, A huge company has 5 different servers, those servers have different purposes. So Payroll uses server A, Engineering Server B, and Graphics uses Server C.
So you create a repositroy for each, so now you have 3 repositories.
When you create the users, if they work in Payroll you grab Server A from the predifined list, and add the path for that user.
So on Server A there is a folder called "Dave" that all of Daves scans will go to, so you add "Dave" in the "Document path"
etc etc for all users.
Now for a location that is not using file servers, where they want the scan just to go to Daves PC in a folder called "scans" that is shared out. Just skip the repositories all together. Go to the "Scans" tab and just create a template, but now select "New Scan Destination" and set it up manually.
Essentially strip it down to.
For users using a mapped driver with each user having a personal folder, use the Repositories (Skips needing to setup the same thing for each template)
For locations where scans go direct to the users PC just make templates (All info will be different so this method is more direct anyway.)
Hope that helps.