Hi all,
I just inherited a WC232 (NOT Pro, just regular) and I am having a very hard time figuring out what to do with this thing...
I know this machine is a relic by now, but it still runs and I happen to need it for some work, if I can get it to do what I need it to do. Basically, I need it to scan. After reading every single piece of documetation on this thing and trying everything you can think of, plus some, I cannot get this thing to scan.
Documentation says the WCP232 can scan to folder, but with the WC232, the best I can hope for is scan to email. Fine, I can work with that. But it also says scanning to email is an OPTION. After accessing the interface over the network, and after going through the touch panel on the machine, the only options I have are for copying...THAT'S IT! No options for scanning anything, no options for faxing...NOTHING! Just copying.
I suppose the question here is, how can I enable the scan to email feature? Or scan to folder? Or ANY other feature? The only other thing that I can do with this machine is print to it over the network. The whole point of me taking this thing when it was getting dumped was to take analog and turn it into digital and apparently that's the one thing that this machine CAN'T do, despite the documetation, and I don't know why.
Is it something that has to be pre-programmed by Xerox when it was initially set-up? Can I add this feature myself? If I could stumble upon a hard drive for this thing with the features enabled, or even a hard drive for a WCP232, can I just swap it out and have the features enabled since it's basically the same machine? I am at a total loss here. I can't believe Xerox still cares about these things, so I can't imagine that it would be too difficult to get this going for what I need it for, but on the other hand, I'm NOT paying for a service call or anything like that (unless it will get me absolute FULL functionality of this machine and the cost is not completely over-the-top.)
If anyone out there in Xerox-land has any ideas or recommendations, I would very much appreciate it. I don't just want to dump this thing in the trash, but I will if I have to. I don't need a network printer...already have several. I don't need a copier/scanner/fax...already have several. The reason I wanted to use this one is because I have a big scanning job and I don't want to beat-up/tie-up the other ones I have.
Hope to hear from somebody soon. Thanks in advance.