Thanks for all of your input so far Joe. I am so lost with all of this. I followed up with the copier company that we deal with to ask why we were sold a component that won't do what we thought that it would. Mind you, I wasn't employed here when all of this went down so I am partially flying in the dark. Their response to my email was:
The fax servers we installed will in fact do the work you need it to do, it is your servers at these locations that can’t process the info. A “fax client” program must be installed onto your servers in order them to process/see the information being faxed to it, and to process it into the files.
I would really like to figure out how to do what everyone here thought that it would. But I'd also like to know if the copier company is feeding me a load of horse crap. If it is in fact a matter of putting a fax client on the server do you have any suggestions there? Again, thank you so much for all of your input so far!