Versant 80. System software version 80.30.71
Intergated Fiery DFE.
Trying to setup scan to email to GoDaddy SMTP server. Using the email feature of the internal V80 engine. Have tried all combinations of SMTP settings and always get the same error.
Error message is: Completed with an Error (027-779) It attestation-fails by SMTP-A.
The Smart eSolutions feature successfully connects to the xerox server, so I believe that DNS settings in the V80 are correct and communication is working through the Fiery to the internet. There must be some other problem with the setup. Here are SMTP settings I have tried.
SMTP host name:
Port: 25, 80, 3535, 465 with SSL
Encryption: Tried STARTTLS (if available) with all ports. Also tried no encryption with all ports.
Login was a valid account.
To me, it just looks like a system software problem. Any ideas on how to fix this, or what system software level to try?