Hi schnj,
This is a thing that happens to the DC252 with Bustled Fiery. If you have an External Fiery (Full PC running Windows) this will not work for you. But since the issue is known on the Bustled, and 80% of the 242/252/260 family were sold with them, I will go ahead and assume that is what you have.
The issue is known, it happens occasionally and print will never be affected by it. The only sign of it is that you get what you are seeing now, and scans will either never appear, or appear but be 0kb and not usable.
It's relatively easy to fix assuming you have Command Workstation installed. If you don't, get it from the Fiery, the installation disks or straight from EFI.com.
<The following bit is going to wipe everything off the Fiery except any updates or patches, all templates will be lost, all print jobs will be lost, all scans to mailbox will be lost, the Admin account will be reset to the defaults (admin/Fiery.1) and it will go back to DHCP, so you will need to redo the network settings at the copier or through CWS assuming you have a DHCP server)
Alright, go into Command Workstation, login as admin and go to Server > Configure
In the new window go to Server > Backup/Restore> Restore Default Fiery Settings
Go through the steps and when it all completes , the Fiery will come online again, this could take up to an hour.
Usually the Fiery will print a start sheet with the newly obtained DHCP IP address, if you don't feel like wandering back and forth, try adding a new printer to CWS once every ten minutes with the search feature, if it got an address, it will be found automagically.
So then you would want to put it back to static and put whatever old IP address you had back on.
So, in CWS go to Server > Configure > Network > Protocol > TCP/IP > Ethernet and put back the old settings.
At this point you should have a wiped out Fiery with all the defaults, but all the patches and drivers are still up to date, where if a tech came out to fix it, they would reload it, which wipes it , but also wipes out the patches, and to get those back can take days.
Then scanning setup as normal, but if needed:
Scan setup by SMB/FTP:
Open the Fiery webui by opening a web browser and putting the Fiery IP address in the address bar (Found in Command Workstation by selecting Device Center > General > General Info
Now on the webpage select Scan Settings and login on the right with admin and Fiery.1
Now select the New Template icon
On this page you need to enter a Name (it has to be upper case letters, numbers 0-9 and no spaces)
Then check the box for the required protocol FTP or SMB and input the appropriate info .( FTP has a “Verify” button that will tell you if it is valid. SMB does not, but you can copy everything in the smb field after the “smb:” and paste it into the Windows Run command, if it opens on your PC, it is valid, also if it asks you to login, you can test the username and password you are putting into the Template, if it does not ask you to login, it is likely you are using a Domain Account and in that case the username in the template will probably need to be formatted as such <Domain\Username>)
Once it is all filled in select Save and go test it at the copier, be sure to select Refresh before doing the scan.