I've tested this on two 7120's and how I would expect the 'Add Me to "To" field check box to work would be that when I open the Scan to Email option from the machine there would already be a reciepiant, the machine's From email address, prepopulated. This does not appear to be the fuction of this feature as nothing is prepopulated or any change at all. Tested with both the Add Me to "To" field and Add Me to "CC" Field options- same result that there is no change.
If I go to the 'Add Me' button on the interface I can choose the To, CC, BCC fields and it will then populate the machine's From address into the desired selection, but I would expect it to automatically do that from how the 'Add Me to "To" Field reads.
Any help on something I may be missing? Screenshot below of the offending checkbox.