As an example we created a User Name as 1234 and a Friendly name as User One in the User & Limits area under Accounting Methods. A password was never asked for nor entered. When the user walks up to make a copy the machine asks for the User ID - we enter 1234. The next screen asks for a Passcode. Why is this happening?
This happens in 2 scenarios, first is if you hit the physical login button (Yellow circle) instead of choosing the icon of the service that is setup in XSA (Red circle).
In the first, it will not be looking for an XSA account, it wants the admin and will have a Next button
And the 2nd one will say Accounting at the top left and be looking for the XSA account and there will be no
Next button will just say Done.
You also need to make sure the users are all created within accounting in Properties > Login/Permissions/Accounting > Accounting Methods > Users and Limits
And not within Properties > Login/Permissions/Accounting > Device User database
Yes, they both reflect the users created in both places, no they are not actually the same and no I have no idea why it was decided this was a good way to design the interface.