Dear Sir/Madam,
I have Windows 10 at my home computer. I am having the same error: 031-529 scan login failed, and I have the following questions:
1) under "Login Name," is it exactly the same name as what I use to login to use my computer? Windows 10 requires me to log in with my email account. For example, if I log in with "," should I put in "" under "Login Name?" Or should I simply use my username that is "abc123?"
2) under "Login Password," is it the same password I use to login to the Windows system?
3) the folder I shared is at the following location:
What should I put under the "Name of Shared Directory" box? Is it just "\Documents?"
4) so, should I type in "\scanneddoc" into the "Subdirectory Path (optional)" box?
What else do I need to do to have a proper setup? Please advice. Thank you very much.