For all those who are completely frustrated on how to setup the "Scan to Email" feature for your Xerox 6027 ... I found a solution!!
After spending countless hours and Xerox support phone calls to unsucessfully get gmail or yahoo as my SMPT server, I found a method that works:
(1) Set up a free account with SMTP2GO SMTP2GO - Worldwide SMTP Service, you will need a working email address to verify your SMTP2GO account. I had to use SMTP2GO because Gmail, Yahoo and Hotmail wouldn't work for me. SPTP2GO is free for 20 uses per day, they also have reasonable pricing for more heavier volume users.
(2) Verify your SMTP2GO account and then login to SMTP2GO and take note of your SMTP Server and Port No given by your SMTP2GO account. For example, your SMTP2GO Login Email is "" and password is "test123". SMTP Server is "" and SMTP Port is "2525".
(3) Then on SMTP2GO page, go to: Settings > More> Address Authentication and input the email address you want to send email from without authentication, say "".
(4) Go to your Xerox Centreware page: Properties>Protocols>Email Server and enter the settings as below
(5) Machine's email address :
(6) SMTP Server Address : (according to the SMTP2GO site : Some devices (fax machines etc.) may benefit from using the IP address of your SMTP server instead of its name (i.e. if your SMTP server is, or if your SMTP server is, in my case, the IP address worked and not the name)
(7) SMTP Port No: 2525
(8) Email Send Authentication : *SMTP AUTH (Login)
(9) Login Name : (this is your SMTP2GO User Email Login)
(10) Password : test123 (this is your SMTP2GO User Password)
(11) Re-enter Password : test 123
(12) Leave POP3 Server Address BLANK
(13) POP3 Server Port No: 995
(14) Leave POP3 Login Name BLANK
(15) Enter POP3 Password : test123 (this is your SMTP2GO User Password)
(16) Re-enter POP3 Password : test123
(17) Click APPLY
I hope this works for you as well as it did for me ... So happy I was able to find a solution!!