Looks like you are on a very old Connectkey 1.0 release, I highly suggest getting that updated to current, but to do that requires it to be wiped out or there will be issues. The method is called "Altboot no data backup) and you cannot use a clone file, so every setting will be lost.
I found an old outdated device and found the , add the from address to the send to under Properties>Services>Email>Setup>General and it is just a checkbox stating Auto Add Me, the Only send to self option below it eliminates the possibility of sending to anyone else.
Properties>Services>Email>Setup>SMTP Authentication and set it to Logged in user for the User Jobs option may populate the From addres, but I can't confirm that as I don't have a machine with the older firmware to try it.
Sorry I can't get you all the way there, there are many changes between the way things are displayed in the 1.0 releases (firmware starting with 071) and the 1.5 releases (starts with 072)