I am having an issue with the Xerox 6204 retrival of files from scanner.
It has been few weeks since I have used the scanner last time, but everything was working fine back then.
Now when I am scanning documents and using AccXES to retrieve them onto my PC I am receiving following error: "Could not create file in base directory" followed by possible reasons why the error has appeared.
What I have noticed is that when application retrieves PDF files from the scanner they have always the same name, which consists only of zeros (00000000.pdf) even when I scan next document scanner doesn't increment the number.
It has also occured that the same error appears one after another when auto-retrieval is enabled and nothing is being scanned.
I have managed to find a workaround. By removing or renaming previously retrieved files I am able to scan documents, but obviously each new scanned document is called 00000000.pdf. Even if I configure in the software that name should consist of date I am still receiving the error message.
Nothing in the software has changed since last time I used it, but I am wondering whether it could be caused by Java, as this is the only piece of software that was updated and has any type of connection with AccXES.