This is not coming through the template pool, but is it possible to enable one to move templates in it from WC 7830 so as to make them available for deleting without CWIS?
The way I attempt to remove it:
Firstly, CWIS shows it only at Display Settings page:
While scan template list doesn't display this on the face of it. But it simply displayed second with empty name, if I inspect template list with Firefox Firebug.
I can change this list item name to make it clickable, and its appears on it position.
Now I can click it and open its settings, but CWIS return it at new position, while at second one appears the same unclickable empty-named item. I get the option to delete, but it useless, it refers to the item looks like cloned, and not to the one really wanted to remove. I click [Delete], It disappears, but the problem remains. Back to top (( ...